Articles on: AI writing

Cost of AI credits explained. How many words does 1 AI credit generate?

What is the cost of using AI for content generation in NeuronWriter?

We're pleased to share that we've updated our pricing plans for AI credits in NeuronWriter.
This update brings a more budget-friendly approach to content generation.
Now at a rate that up to 2 times cheaper compared to our previous pricing policy.

Introducing Claude Sonnet 3.5: is a newest model to choose from! The generation costs on this model will be the same for users as on GPT-4o.

New AI credits cost for available models:

ModelGeneration cost per 1 word *
GPT-4o-mini0.1 AI credits
GPT 4o1.5 AI credits
Claude Sonnet 3.51.5 AI credits

Generation cost = (number of words in our prompt + number of words in generated content) * credits cost depending on the model.

Example: 15 000 AI credits will give close to 150 000 words using the ChatGPT (gpt-3.5-turbo) model when using templates for which the output length is substantially larger than the prompt length.

How much does it cost to generate content in Content Designer?

For Content Designer a typical cost is about 9,000 AI credits for a 1,500-word article. This consumption is achievable because we incorporate competitor analysis, provide recommendations, and use a variety of AI models (including various engines) to assist you in creating well-optimized long-form content.

Currently, for generative AI, Neuron uses the latest GPT models.

More information about the latest GPT models you can see here: What A.I. engines does Neuron use to generate content? —

Updated on: 12/08/2024

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