Articles on: AI writing

What is AI outline?

What is the AI outline

The AI outline is a feature that allows automate article structure' creating within minutes. It is based on an advanced blog article outline with H1-H3 headers Template, and it takes into account the outlines of the best competitors to provide you with a well-optimized article structure with the best coverage of the topic.

How does the AI outline work?

The AI outline works by first analyzing competitors' headers. It then uses this information to generate a list of potential article's headers.

What are the benefits of using the AI outline?

It can save you a lot of time when planning your article.
It can help you to come up with a comprehensive and well-organized article structure.
It can help you to ensure that your article covers all of the important aspects of the topic.
It can help you to write an article that is more likely to rank well in search engines.

Automated AI outline H1-H3

Updated on: 18/07/2024

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